Blocking utilities for libscran
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Blocking utilities for libscran. More...


struct  VariableWeightParameters
 Parameters for compute_variable_weight(). More...


enum class  WeightPolicy : char { NONE , VARIABLE , EQUAL }


template<typename Stat_ , typename Output_ >
void average_vectors (size_t n, std::vector< Stat_ * > in, Output_ *out, bool skip_nan)
template<typename Output_ = double, typename Stat_ >
std::vector< Output_ > average_vectors (size_t n, std::vector< Stat_ * > in, bool skip_nan)
template<typename Stat_ , typename Weight_ , typename Output_ >
void average_vectors_weighted (size_t n, std::vector< Stat_ * > in, const Weight_ *w, Output_ *out, bool skip_nan)
template<typename Output_ = double, typename Stat_ , typename Weight_ >
std::vector< Output_average_vectors_weighted (size_t n, std::vector< Stat_ * > in, const Weight_ *w, bool skip_nan)
double compute_variable_weight (double s, const VariableWeightParameters &params)
template<typename Size_ , typename Weight_ >
void compute_weights (size_t num_blocks, const Size_ *sizes, WeightPolicy policy, const VariableWeightParameters &variable, Weight_ *weights)
template<typename Weight_ = double, typename Size_ >
std::vector< Weight_compute_weights (const std::vector< Size_ > &sizes, WeightPolicy policy, const VariableWeightParameters &variable)

Detailed Description

Blocking utilities for libscran.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ WeightPolicy

Policy to use for weighting blocks based on their size, i.e., the number of cells in each block. This controls the calculation of weighted averages across blocks.

  • NONE: no weighting is performed. Larger blocks will contribute more to the weighted average.
  • EQUAL: each block receives equal weight, regardless of its size. Equivalent to averaging across blocks without weights.
  • VARIABLE: each batch is weighted using the logic in compute_variable_weight(). This penalizes small blocks with unreliable statistics while equally weighting all large blocks.

Function Documentation

◆ average_vectors() [1/2]

template<typename Output_ = double, typename Stat_ >
std::vector< Output_ > scran_blocks::average_vectors ( size_t  n,
std::vector< Stat_ * >  in,
bool  skip_nan 

Overload of compute() that allocates an output vector of averaged values.

Template Parameters
OutputFloating-point output type.
StatType of the input statistic, typically floating point.
nLength of each array.
[in]inVector of pointers to input arrays of length n.
skip_nanWhether to check for NaNs.
A vector of length n is returned, containing the average of all arrays in in.

◆ average_vectors() [2/2]

template<typename Stat_ , typename Output_ >
void scran_blocks::average_vectors ( size_t  n,
std::vector< Stat_ * >  in,
Output_ *  out,
bool  skip_nan 

Average parallel elements across multiple arrays.

Template Parameters
Stat_Type of the input statistic, typically floating point.
Output_Floating-point output type.
nLength of each array.
[in]inVector of pointers to input arrays of length n.
[out]outPointer to an output array of length n. On completion, out is filled with the average of all arrays in in. Specifically, each element of out is set to the average of the corresponding elements across all in arrays.
skip_nanWhether to check for NaNs. If true, NaNs are ignored in the average calculations for each element, at the cost of some efficiency.

◆ average_vectors_weighted() [1/2]

template<typename Output_ = double, typename Stat_ , typename Weight_ >
std::vector< Output_ > scran_blocks::average_vectors_weighted ( size_t  n,
std::vector< Stat_ * >  in,
const Weight_ w,
bool  skip_nan 

Overload of compute_weighted() that allocates an output vector of averaged values.

Template Parameters
Output_Floating-point output type.
Weight_Type of the weight, typically floating point.
Stat_Type of the input statistic, typically floating point.
nLength of each array.
[in]inVector of pointers to input arrays of the same length.
[in]wPointer to an array of length equal to in.size(), containing the weight to use for each input array. Weights should be non-negative and finite.
skip_nanWhether to check for NaNs.
A vector is returned containing with the average of all arrays in in.

◆ average_vectors_weighted() [2/2]

void scran_blocks::average_vectors_weighted ( size_t  n,
std::vector< Stat_ * >  in,
const Weight_ w,
Output_ out,
bool  skip_nan 

Compute a weighted average of parallel elements across multiple arrays.

Template Parameters
Stat_Type of the input statistic, typically floating point.
Weight_Type of the weight, typically floating point.
Output_Floating-point output type.
nLength of each array.
[in]inVector of pointers to input arrays of length n.
[in]wPointer to an array of length equal to in.size(), containing the weight to use for each input array. Weights should be non-negative and finite.
[out]outPointer to an output array of length n. On output, out is filled with the weighted average of all arrays in in. Specifically, each element of out is set to the weighted average of the corresponding elements across all in arrays.
skip_nanWhether to check for NaNs. If true, NaNs are ignored in the average calculations for each element, at the cost of some efficiency.

◆ compute_variable_weight()

double scran_blocks::compute_variable_weight ( double  s,
const VariableWeightParameters params 

Assign a variable weight to each block of cells, for use in computing a weighted average across blocks. The weight for each block is calculated from the size of that block.

Blocks that are "large enough" are considered to be equally trustworthy and receive the same weight, ensuring that each block contributes equally to the weighted average. By comparison, very small blocks receive lower weight as their statistics are generally less stable.

sSize of the block, in terms of the number of cells in that block.
paramsParameters for the weight calculation, consisting of the lower and upper bounds.
Weight of the block, to use for computing a weighted average across blocks.

◆ compute_weights() [1/2]

template<typename Weight_ = double, typename Size_ >
std::vector< Weight_ > scran_blocks::compute_weights ( const std::vector< Size_ > &  sizes,
WeightPolicy  policy,
const VariableWeightParameters variable 

A convenience overload that accepts and returns vectors.

Template Parameters
Size_Numeric type for the block size.
Weight_Floating-point type for the output weights.
sizesVector containing the size of each block.
policyPolicy for weighting blocks of different sizes.
variableParameters for the variable block weights.
Vector of block weights.

◆ compute_weights() [2/2]

void scran_blocks::compute_weights ( size_t  num_blocks,
const Size_ sizes,
WeightPolicy  policy,
const VariableWeightParameters variable,
Weight_ weights 

Compute block weights for multiple blocks based on their size and the weighting policy. For variable weights, this function will call compute_variable_weight() for each block.

Template Parameters
Size_Numeric type for the block size.
Weight_Floating-point type for the output weights.
num_blocksNumber of blocks.
[in]sizesPointer to an array of length num_blocks, containing the size of each block.
policyPolicy for weighting blocks of different sizes.
variableParameters for the variable block weights.
[out]weightsPointer to an array of length num_blocks. On output, this is filled with the weight of each block.