Source code for scranpy.aggregate_across_cells

from typing import Any, Sequence
from dataclasses import dataclass

import numpy
import mattress
import biocutils

from . import lib_scranpy as lib
from .combine_factors import combine_factors

[docs]@dataclass class AggregateAcrossCellsResults: """Results of :py:func:`~aggregate_across_cells`.""" sum: numpy.ndarray """Floating-point matrix where each row corresponds to a gene and each column corresponds to a unique combination of grouping levels. Each matrix entry contains the summed expression across all cells with that combination.""" detected: numpy.ndarray """Integer matrix where each row corresponds to a gene and each column corresponds to a unique combination of grouping levels. Each entry contains the number of cells with detected expression in that combination.""" combinations: biocutils.NamedList """Sorted and unique combination of levels across all ``factors`` in :py:func:`~aggregate_across_cells`. Each entry of the list is another list that corresponds to an entry of ``factors``, where the ``i``-th combination is defined as the ``i``-th elements of all inner lists. Combinations are in the same order as the columns of :py:attr:`~sum` and :py:attr:`~detected`.""" counts: numpy.ndarray """Number of cells associated with each combination. Each entry corresponds to a combination in :py:attr:`~combinations`.""" index: numpy.ndarray """Integer vector of length equal to the number of cells. This specifies the combination in :py:attr:`~combinations` associated with each cell."""
[docs] def to_summarizedexperiment(self, include_counts: bool = True): """Convert the results to a :py:class:`~summarizedexperiment.SummarizedExperiment.SummarizedExperiment`. Args: include_counts: Whether to include :py:attr:`~counts` in the column data. Users may need to set this to ``False`` if a ``"counts"`` factor is present in :py:attr:`~combinations`. Returns: A :py:class:`~summarizedexperiment.SummarizedExperiment.SummarizedExperiment` where :py:attr:`~sum` and :py:attr:`~detected` are assays and :py:attr:`~combinations` is stored in the column data. """ facnames = self.combinations.get_names() if facnames is None: facnames = [str(i) for i in range(len(self.combinations))] else: facnames = facnames.as_list() import biocframe combos = {} for i, f in enumerate(facnames): combos[f] = self.combinations[i] cd = biocframe.BiocFrame(combos, column_names=facnames) if include_counts: if cd.has_column("counts"): raise ValueError("conflicting 'counts' columns, consider setting 'include_counts = False'") cd.set_column("counts", self.counts, in_place=True) import summarizedexperiment return summarizedexperiment.SummarizedExperiment( { "sum": self.sum, "detected": self.detected }, column_data=cd )
[docs]def aggregate_across_cells( x: Any, factors: Sequence, num_threads: int = 1 ) -> AggregateAcrossCellsResults: """Aggregate expression values across cells based on one or more grouping factors. This is primarily used to create pseudo-bulk profiles for each cluster/sample combination. Args: x: A matrix-like object where rows correspond to genes or genomic features and columns correspond to cells. Values are expected to be counts. factors: One or more grouping factors, see :py:func:`~scranpy.combine_factors.combine_factors`. If this is a :py:class:`~biocutils.NamedList.NamedList`, any names will be retained in the output. num_threads: Number of threads to use for aggregation. Returns: Results of the aggregation, including the sum and the number of detected cells in each group for each gene. References: The ``aggregate_across_cells`` function in the `scran_aggregate <>`_ C++ library, which implements the aggregation. """ comblev, combind = combine_factors(factors) if isinstance(factors, biocutils.NamedList): facnames = factors.get_names() else: facnames = None comblev = biocutils.NamedList(comblev, facnames) mat = mattress.initialize(x) outsum, outdet = lib.aggregate_across_cells(mat.ptr, combind, num_threads) counts = numpy.zeros(len(comblev[0]), dtype=numpy.uint32) for i in combind: counts[i] += 1 return AggregateAcrossCellsResults(outsum, outdet, comblev, counts, combind)