Multi-modal analyses of single-cell data
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mumosa Namespace Reference

Scale multi-modal embeddings to adjust for differences in variance. More...


struct  Options
 Options for compute_distance(). More...


template<typename Index_ , typename Float_ >
std::pair< Float_, Float_ > compute_distance (Index_ num_cells, Float_ *distances)
template<typename Dim_ , typename Index_ , typename Float_ >
std::pair< Float_, Float_ > compute_distance (const knncolle::Prebuilt< Dim_, Index_, Float_ > &prebuilt, const Options &options)
template<typename Dim_ , typename Index_ , typename Float_ >
std::pair< Float_, Float_ > compute_distance (Dim_ num_dim, Index_ num_cells, const Float_ *data, const knncolle::Builder< knncolle::SimpleMatrix< Dim_, Index_, Float_ >, Float_ > &builder, const Options &options)
template<typename Float_ >
Float_ compute_scale (const std::pair< Float_, Float_ > &ref, const std::pair< Float_, Float_ > &target)
template<typename Float_ >
std::vector< Float_ > compute_scale (const std::vector< std::pair< Float_, Float_ > > &distances)
template<typename Dim_ , typename Index_ , typename Input_ , typename Scale_ , typename Output_ >
void combine_scaled_embeddings (const std::vector< Dim_ > &num_dims, Index_ num_cells, const std::vector< Input_ * > &embeddings, const std::vector< Scale_ > &scaling, Output_ *output)

Detailed Description

Scale multi-modal embeddings to adjust for differences in variance.

Function Documentation

◆ compute_distance() [1/3]

template<typename Index_ , typename Float_ >
std::pair< Float_, Float_ > mumosa::compute_distance ( Index_  num_cells,
Float_ *  distances 
Template Parameters
Index_Integer type for the number of cells.
Float_Floating-point type for the distances.
num_cellsNumber of cells.
[in,out]distancesPointer to an array containing the distances from each cell to its \(k\)-nearest neighbor. It is expected that the same \(k\) was used for each cell. On output, the order of values may be arbitrarily altered during the median calculation; if this is undesirable, users should pass in a copy of the array.
Pair containing the median distance to the nearest neighbor (first) and the root-mean-squared distance across all cells (second). These values can be used in compute_scale().

◆ compute_distance() [2/3]

template<typename Dim_ , typename Index_ , typename Float_ >
std::pair< Float_, Float_ > mumosa::compute_distance ( const knncolle::Prebuilt< Dim_, Index_, Float_ > &  prebuilt,
const Options options 
Template Parameters
Dim_Integer type for the number of dimensions.
Index_Integer type for the number of cells.
Float_Floating-point type for the data and distances.
prebuiltA prebuilt neighbor search index for a modality-specifi embedding.
optionsFurther options.
Pair containing the median distance to the Options::num_neighbors-th nearest neighbor (first) and the root-mean-squared distance across all cells (second). These values can be used in compute_scale().

◆ compute_distance() [3/3]

template<typename Dim_ , typename Index_ , typename Float_ >
std::pair< Float_, Float_ > mumosa::compute_distance ( Dim_  num_dim,
Index_  num_cells,
const Float_ *  data,
const knncolle::Builder< knncolle::SimpleMatrix< Dim_, Index_, Float_ >, Float_ > &  builder,
const Options options 
Template Parameters
Dim_Integer type for the number of dimensions.
Index_Integer type for the number of cells.
Float_Floating-point type for the data and distances.
num_dimNumber of dimensions in the embedding.
num_cellsNumber of cells in the embedding.
[in]dataPointer to an array containing the embedding matrix for a modality. This should be stored in column-major layout where each row is a dimension and each column is a cell.
builderAlgorithm to use for the neighbor search.
optionsFurther options.
Pair containing the median distance to the Options::num_neighbors-th nearest neighbor (first) and the root-mean-squared distance across all cells (second). These values can be used in compute_scale().

◆ compute_scale() [1/2]

template<typename Float_ >
Float_ mumosa::compute_scale ( const std::pair< Float_, Float_ > &  ref,
const std::pair< Float_, Float_ > &  target 

Compute the scaling factor to be applied to an embedding of a "target" modality relative to a reference modality. This aims to scale the target so that the within-population variance is equal to that of the reference.

Advanced users may want to scale the target so that its variance is some \(S\)-fold of the reference, e.g., to give more weight to more important modalities. This can be achieved by multiplying the scaling factor by \(\sqrt{S}\).

Template Parameters
Float_Floating-point type for the distances.
refOutput of compute_distance() for the embedding of the reference modality. The first value contains the median distance while the second value contains the root-mean squared distance (RMSD).
targetOutput of compute_distance() for the embedding of the target modality.
A scaling factor to apply to the embedding of the target modality, defined as the ratio of the median distances. If either of the median distances is zero, this function instead returns the ratio of the RMSDs. If the reference RMSD is zero, this function will return zero; if the target RMSD is zero, this function will return positive infinity.

◆ compute_scale() [2/2]

template<typename Float_ >
std::vector< Float_ > mumosa::compute_scale ( const std::vector< std::pair< Float_, Float_ > > &  distances)

Compute the scaling factors for a group of embeddings, given the neighbor distances computed by compute_distance(). This aims to scale each embedding so that the within-population variances are equal across embeddings. The "reference" modality is defined as the first embedding with a non-zero RMSD; other than this requirement, the exact choice of reference has no actual impact on the relative values of the scaling factors.

Template Parameters
Float_Floating-point type for the distances.
distancesVector of distances for embeddings, as computed by compute_distance() on each embedding.
Vector of scaling factors of length equal to that of distances, to be applied to each embedding. This is equivalent to running compute_scale() on each entry of distances against the chosen reference.

◆ combine_scaled_embeddings()

template<typename Dim_ , typename Index_ , typename Input_ , typename Scale_ , typename Output_ >
void mumosa::combine_scaled_embeddings ( const std::vector< Dim_ > &  num_dims,
Index_  num_cells,
const std::vector< Input_ * > &  embeddings,
const std::vector< Scale_ > &  scaling,
Output_ *  output 

Combine multiple embeddings for different modalities into a single embedding matrix, possibly after scaling each embedding. This is done row-wise, i.e., the coordinates are concatenated across embeddings for each column.

Template Parameters
Dim_Integer type for the number of dimensions.
Index_Integer type for the number of cells.
Input_Floating-point type for the input data.
Scale_Floating-point type for the scaling factor.
Output_Floating-point type for the output data.
num_dimsVector containing the number of dimensions in each embedding.
num_cellsNumber of cells in each embedding.
embeddingsVector of pointers of length equal to that of num_dims. Each pointer refers to an array containing an embedding matrix for a single modality, which should be in column-major format with dimensions in rows and cells in columns. The number of rows of the i-th matrix should be equal to num_dims[i] and the number of columns should be equal to num_cells.
scalingScaling to apply to each embedding, usually from compute_scale(). This should be of length equal to that of num_dims.
[out]outputPointer to the output array. This should be of length equal to the product of num_cells and the sum of num_dims. On completion, output is filled with the combined embeddings in column-major format. Each row corresponds to a dimension while each column corresponds to a cell.