Aggregate expression values across cells
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scran_aggregate::AggregateAcrossCellsResults< Sum_, Detected_ > Struct Template Reference

Results of aggregate_across_cells(). More...

#include <aggregate_across_cells.hpp>

Public Attributes

std::vector< std::vector< Sum_ > > sums
std::vector< std::vector< Detected_ > > detected

Detailed Description

template<typename Sum_, typename Detected_>
struct scran_aggregate::AggregateAcrossCellsResults< Sum_, Detected_ >

Results of aggregate_across_cells().

Template Parameters
Sum_Type of the sum, should be numeric.
Detected_Type for the number of detected cells, usually integer.

Member Data Documentation

◆ sums

template<typename Sum_ , typename Detected_ >
std::vector<std::vector<Sum_> > scran_aggregate::AggregateAcrossCellsResults< Sum_, Detected_ >::sums

Vector of length equal to the number of factor levels. Each inner vector is of length equal to the number of genes. Each entry contains the summed expression across all cells in the corresponding level for each gene.

If AggregateAcrossCellsOptions::compute_sums = false, this vector is empty.

◆ detected

template<typename Sum_ , typename Detected_ >
std::vector<std::vector<Detected_> > scran_aggregate::AggregateAcrossCellsResults< Sum_, Detected_ >::detected

Vector of length equal to the number of factor levels. Each inner vector is of length equal to the number of genes. Each entry contains the number of cells in the corresponding level with detected expression for each gene.

If AggregateAcrossCellsOptions::compute_detected = false, this vector is empty.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: