Graph-based clustering of cells
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scran_graph_cluster::BuildSnnGraphResults< Node_, Weight_ > Struct Template Reference

Results of SNN graph construction. More...

#include <build_snn_graph.hpp>

Public Attributes

size_t num_cells
std::vector< Node_edges
std::vector< Weight_weights

Detailed Description

template<typename Node_, typename Weight_>
struct scran_graph_cluster::BuildSnnGraphResults< Node_, Weight_ >

Results of SNN graph construction.

Template Parameters
Node_Integer type for the node indices.
Weight_Floating-point type for the edge weights.

Member Data Documentation

◆ num_cells

Number of cells in the dataset.

◆ edges

Vector of paired indices defining the edges between cells. The number of edges is half the length of edges, where edges[2*i] and edges[2*i+1] define the vertices for edge i.

◆ weights

Vector of weights for the edges. This is of length equal to the number of edges, where each weights[i] corresponds to an edge i in edges.

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