Graph-based clustering of cells
No Matches
Public Attributes | List of all members
scran_graph_cluster::ClusterWalktrapResults Struct Reference

Result of cluster_walktrap(). More...

#include <cluster_walktrap.hpp>

Public Attributes

int status = 0
raiigraph::IntegerVector membership
raiigraph::IntegerMatrix merges
raiigraph::RealVector modularity

Detailed Description

Result of cluster_walktrap().

Member Data Documentation

◆ status

int scran_graph_cluster::ClusterWalktrapResults::status = 0

Output status. A value of zero indicates that the algorithm completed successfully.

◆ membership

raiigraph::IntegerVector scran_graph_cluster::ClusterWalktrapResults::membership

Vector of length equal to the number of cells, containing 0-indexed cluster identities.

◆ merges

raiigraph::IntegerMatrix scran_graph_cluster::ClusterWalktrapResults::merges

Matrix of merge steps. Each row corresponds to a successive merge step, while the two columns contain the identities of the two clusters being merged. Note that cluster IDs here are not the same as those in membership - see the documentation for more details. This should only be used if ClusterWalktrapOptions::report_merges = true.

◆ modularity

raiigraph::RealVector scran_graph_cluster::ClusterWalktrapResults::modularity

Vector of length equal to the number of rows in merges plus 1, containing the modularity score before and after each merge step. The maximum value is the modularity corresponding to the clustering in membership. This should only be used if ClusterWalktrapOptions::report_modularity = true.

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