Marker detection for single-cell data
No Matches
score_markers_pairwise.hpp File Reference

Score potential markers by pairwise effect sizes between groups of cells. More...

#include "cohens_d.hpp"
#include "simple_diff.hpp"
#include "scan_matrix.hpp"
#include "average_group_stats.hpp"
#include "PrecomputedPairwiseWeights.hpp"
#include "create_combinations.hpp"
#include <vector>
#include "scran_blocks/scran_blocks.hpp"
#include "tatami/tatami.hpp"
#include "tatami_stats/tatami_stats.hpp"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  scran_markers::ScoreMarkersPairwiseOptions
 Options for score_markers_pairwise() and friends. More...
struct  scran_markers::ScoreMarkersPairwiseBuffers< Stat_ >
 Buffers for score_markers_pairwise() and friends. More...
struct  scran_markers::ScoreMarkersPairwiseResults< Stat_ >
 Results for score_markers_pairwise() and friends. More...


namespace  scran_markers
 Marker detection for single-cell data.


template<typename Value_ , typename Index_ , typename Group_ , typename Stat_ >
void scran_markers::score_markers_pairwise (const tatami::Matrix< Value_, Index_ > &matrix, const Group_ *group, const ScoreMarkersPairwiseOptions &options, const ScoreMarkersPairwiseBuffers< Stat_ > &output)
template<typename Value_ , typename Index_ , typename Group_ , typename Block_ , typename Stat_ >
void scran_markers::score_markers_pairwise_blocked (const tatami::Matrix< Value_, Index_ > &matrix, const Group_ *group, const Block_ *block, const ScoreMarkersPairwiseOptions &options, const ScoreMarkersPairwiseBuffers< Stat_ > &output)
template<typename Stat_ = double, typename Value_ , typename Index_ , typename Group_ >
ScoreMarkersPairwiseResults< Stat_ > scran_markers::score_markers_pairwise (const tatami::Matrix< Value_, Index_ > &matrix, const Group_ *group, const ScoreMarkersPairwiseOptions &options)
template<typename Stat_ = double, typename Value_ , typename Index_ , typename Group_ , typename Block_ >
ScoreMarkersPairwiseResults< Stat_ > scran_markers::score_markers_pairwise_blocked (const tatami::Matrix< Value_, Index_ > &matrix, const Group_ *group, const Block_ *block, const ScoreMarkersPairwiseOptions &options)

Detailed Description

Score potential markers by pairwise effect sizes between groups of cells.