Model per-gene variance in expression
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scran_variances::ModelGeneVariancesBlockedBuffers< Stat_ > Struct Template Reference

Buffers for model_gene_variances_blocked(). More...

#include <model_gene_variances.hpp>

Public Attributes

std::vector< ModelGeneVariancesBuffers< Stat_ > > per_block
ModelGeneVariancesBuffers< Stat_average

Detailed Description

template<typename Stat_>
struct scran_variances::ModelGeneVariancesBlockedBuffers< Stat_ >

Buffers for model_gene_variances_blocked().

Template Parameters
Stat_Floating-point type for the output statistics.

Member Data Documentation

◆ per_block

Vector of length equal to the number of blocks, where each entry contains the buffers to store the variance modelling results for a single block.

◆ average

Buffers to store the average across blocks for all statistics in per_block. Any of the pointers may be NULL, in which case the corresponding average is not computed.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: