Model per-gene variance in expression
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scran_variances::ModelGeneVariancesBuffers< Stat_ > Struct Template Reference

Buffers for model_gene_variances() and friends. More...

#include <model_gene_variances.hpp>

Public Attributes


Detailed Description

template<typename Stat_>
struct scran_variances::ModelGeneVariancesBuffers< Stat_ >

Buffers for model_gene_variances() and friends.

Template Parameters
Stat_Floating-point type for the output statistics.

In general, the pointers in this class should not be set to NULL. The only exception is for instances of this class that are used as ModelGeneVariancesBlockedBuffers::average, where setting the pointer to NULL will omit calculation of the corresponding average statistic.

Member Data Documentation

◆ means

Pointer to an array of length equal to the number of genes, to be filled with the mean log-expression for each gene.

◆ variances

Pointer to an array of length equal to the number of genes, containing the variance in the log-expression for each gene.

◆ fitted

Pointer to an array of length equal to the number of genes, containing the fitted value of the mean-variance trend for each gene.

◆ residuals

Vector of length equal to the number of genes, containing the residuals of the mean-variance trend for each gene.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: